Electronic Patient Registration add-on for VIP.net

The Electronic Patent Registration add-on for VIP.net allows the Practice to email a secure link to a new patient, they can then use that link to fill out all the details required by the clinic on a secure website. The patient does not need to fill out all of the information at one time as the link stays valid until 5 minutes before their first appointment.


  • Admin dashboard where staff can review the submitted registration forms, status and make changes.
  • Submitted data can be inserted into the VIP database after being checked from the NPR Portal.
  • Patients who have been emailed and sent an SMS NPR link can leave the data entry uncompleted and complete at a later date.  The secure link ( SSL Connection ) is available until the first appointment.
  • Links sent to the patients can only be used to fill out the NPR form and is only linked the patient record in the NPR Portal Database ( MYSQL not VIP ).
  • All data sent back from the NPR form  goes directly into the MYSQL DB and not VIP. Data can be inserted into VIP by a staff member from the NPR portal interface once it has been check.

The Electronic Patent Registration add-on for VIP.net allows the Practice to email a secure link to a new patient, they can then use that link to fill out all the details required by the clinic on a secure website. The patient does not need to fill out all of the information at one time as the link stays valid until 5 minutes before their first appointment.